National Meetings

Foundations Meeting: The National Executive Board shall convene at the Foundations Meeting, which shall occur in the fall semester. During the Foundations Meeting, the National Executive Board shall jointly plan for short-term goals for Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc., long-term goals for Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc., strategic plans to facilitate the growth and development of Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. on national and local levels, and address any other imperative national concerns.


Regional Conferences: The respective Regional Director, at least one National Executive Board member, and the respective region’s active Sisters shall convene at the Regional Conference, which shall occur in each region at least once a year in either the fall or spring semester. Alumnae who have paid dues may attend the Regional Conferences. During the Regional Conference, the respective Regional Director shall lead presentations to conduct national training, discuss strategies for regional improvement, discuss strategies for the respective Colonies’ and Chapters’ improvement, and address any other imperative national and regional concerns.


Regional Alumnae Conferences: The respective Sigma Chapter Regional Alumnae Representative and the respective Sigma Chapter region’s Sisters shall convene at the Regional Alumnae Conference, which shall occur in each region at least once a year in either the fall or spring semester. Only Sigma Chapter alumnae may attend the Regional Meetings. During the Regional Conference, the respective Sigma Chapter Regional Alumnae Representative shall lead presentations to conduct national training, discuss strategies for regional improvement, discuss strategies for the respective Sigma Chapter region’s improvement, and address any other imperative national and regional concerns.


National Convention: The National Executive Board and the active Sisters shall convene at the National Convention, which shall occur in the summer months. Alumnae who have paid dues may attend the National Convention. During the National Convention, the National Executive Board shall lead presentations to conduct national training, address the term’s accomplished goals, discuss long-term goals for Sigma Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc., address strategies for national improvement, and address any other imperative national concerns.